1. Add a new client information to the "Contacts" table.

2. Create a new project in the "All Projects" table.

3. Assign the project to the client using the "Contact" column in the "Projects" table.

4. Go to "Current Projects" page to check the statuses of the projects you're working on.

Master View → The main pipeline of your projects so you can see how many you have new leads, how many has been accepted, rejected, or completed. You can also see how much you currently have on your plate under the "Working" column.

****You can move your projects from column to column and change their main status to "Completed" once the project is all done. It'll disappear from the "Current Projects" page, but everything is saved in your "All Projects" master table.

New leads → Your process for your new leads.

Accepted → Your process for projects once the proposal is accepted.

Working → Your process for projects while working on them.